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 All songs on this page are copyrighted by � John Nelson/Skatiki Music except for, "Reunion:" � Steve Barkoczy/Skatiki Music. All songs on this page were written and arranged by John Nelson except for, "What Am I Doing Here:" music & lyrics by John Nelson, Steve Barkoczy; "Cruisin':" music & lyrics by John Nelson, Steve Barkoczy; "Into The Light:" music by John Nelson, John "Bruce" Nelson Jr.; "Reunion:" music by Steve Barkoczy, John Nelson. All songs on this page were performed by John Nelson except for, "Into The Light:" performed by John Nelson, John "Bruce" Nelson Jr.; "Reunion:" performed by Steve Barkoczy, John Nelson.
 All MIDIs on this page were created using the Roland GR-30 Guitar Synth, Seiko DS-250 & Yamaha PSR-330 keyboards, WinJammer Pro and Creative Labs AWE64 sound card.
