- Song Notes -

 Steve and I wrote this song back in '78 when the world around us seemed to be one big mess. With taxes, food and gas prices going out of control, this was a good way to vent our frustation. Plus it's a fun song to sing. :)


What Am I Doing Here - CLICK HERE TO PLAY MIDI - Music and lyrics by John Nelson & Steve Barkoczy

Woke up today, started going my way.
So many things to see.
People rushing so senselessly. What a lousy way to be.

What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
What am I doing here - (here) - (here)
What am I doing here?

Work all day, just-a-wasting away.
Trying to make ends meet.
I make a dollar and they take two.
How am I supposed to eat?

What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
What am I doing here - (here) - (here)
What am I doing here?

Well.. I know you.
And you know me.
So why should we suffer from poverty
When we know it wasn't meant to be - (be) - (be)

{Guitar Solo}

Energy crisis. High food prices.
It's enough to drive you out of your mind.
If only they could see, for they hold the key
To a world that's a little more kind.

What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
What am I doing here - (here) - (here)
What am I doing here?

{Repeat chorus to fade out}